Friday, October 30, 2009

Carving the top and routing out the pick-up cavities

I have screwed my body contour template to the body and I am ready to rout the first step.

After the first step of the contour is completed. I made three passes to achieve the desired depth.

After I cut the template down and reattaching you now see the second step. This was done making two passes.

Here I have completed the 3rd step.

After the 4th step.

My first major mistake! This is what happens when just for a moment you lose focus. The 5th step I let the route rock and you see the damage. I will hopefully be able to cover this up in the carve. The routing for the carve is complete. I was going to rout the cavities for the pick-ups now but I want to see the if the screw up can be fixed in the carve. So I am going to carve this section first.

I think it will be OK. I will have to do a little more carving at that level all the way around to make it uniform but I don't think I will have to remove the maple top.

Using 2 faced tape I have attached the template for the pick-ups. I will drill out most of the stock.

Now I am ready to rout.

I repeated the process for the second cavity.

Now carve and more carving with the thumb plane. Which will give you a good blister on it. Of course after getting the blister I started wearing a glove.
Getting closer.

Are we done yet?

90 % done with the carve. But my thumb can't take anymore today.
I still have a little more carving to do with the thumb plane. Then I will use some scrapers to start to smooth then sand. That will be the next post. Finishing the top.

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