I have scraped, filed and sanded the bindings on the fret board and I am now ready to glue it to the neck.
First I clamped the fret board onto the neck with the neck attached to the guitar.
I then took a straight edge and extended the edge of the fret board down the body.
I then measured from the center of the body out to each line to check the alignment.
I also checked it right down the center line.
When I was happy with the alignment I then removed the neck from the body with the fret board still clamped to the neck. I then used my drill press and drilled a hole with a 1/32nd" bit at the 1st fret and the 12th fret.
You can see here I have turn the bits upside down and will use them as pins for locating the fret board to the neck when gluing.
Now I have removed the fret board and have cleaned it and the neck with denatured alcohol. You can also see I put a strip of masking tape to cover the truss rod so as to keep any glue from getting in.
Now I have applied Tight-Bond glue to both surfaces.
Now I have positioned the fret board on the neck & locating it with the 2 drill bits.
Now to clamp.
I wiped excess glue off with ta wet rag after the first 4 clamps.
Then I clamped it even more.
After 24 hrs I now have 1 more step complete
Here is a picture after removing the clamps, sanding with a 12" radius block and cleaning with alcohol
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