Monday, September 14, 2009

Routing for the truss rod

Here I have mounted my router in the table of table saw.  I am using a 7/32nds bit as per the truss rod instructions. Using the fence I set it up as close to center as I could by eye. I then ran the piece in about 1/4" then checked using my digital micrometer. After 2 small adjustment to the fence you can now see I am with in 1/10th of a millimeter from center. Close enough for me. The depth of the slot needs to be 7/16th of an inch. I ran to piece through 4 times. Cutting to a depth of 3/16th" the first pass then to 3/8" and the I check the depth with the truss rod. The top of the brass block on the truss rod needs to be flush with the top of the mahogany.

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