You can see I have already started cutting this out. I marked the inlay with a sharpie, next time I will draw it out on masking tape and then apply the tape and cut. The sharpie bled a lot on the pearl. You can see I drilled holes at the inside corners. Then I used a fine blade with a jewelers saw to cut. Next time I attempt this I will also purchase magnifying eye ware.
The cutting went pretty good considering I could hardly see what I was doing.
I then used the tools you see here to refine the shape. Dremel with diamond grinding bit. Assorted files.
Here is where I really needed the magnifying glasses. I traced the H and highlighted it with chalk like I did when I did the inlays in the finger board. But this I had to free hand. You can see its not that good of a job. But for what this will be when I am done you won't be able to tell.
Here I have glued the inlay in using med viscosity black super glue.
I am going to be painting the head stock black so using the black glue when I scrape the paint off the inlay after painting if I happen to scape a little to much it will still be black there.
Taped off to file and sand.
Next step gluing it to the body.
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